Around the House
1. When you go outside to pick up your morning newspaper, take a brisk 5-minute power walk up the street in one direction and back in the other. 
2. If you're housebound caring for a sick child or grandchild, hop on an exercise bike or do a treadmill workout while your ailing loved one naps.
3. Try 5 to 10 minutes of jumping jacks. (A 150-pound woman can burn 90 calories in one 10-minute session.)
4. Cooking dinner? Do standing push-ups while you wait for a pot to boil. Stand about an arm's length from the kitchen counter, and push your arms against the counter. Push in and out to get toned arms and shoulders.
5. After dinner, go outside and play tag or shoot baskets with your kids and their friends.
6. Just before bed or while you're giving yourself a facial at night, do a few repetitions of some dumbbell exercises, suggests exercise instructor Sheila Cluff, owner and founder of The Oaks at Ojai and The Palms, in Palm Springs, CA, who keeps a set of free weights on a shelf in front of her bathroom sink.

While Waiting

7. Walk around the block several times while you wait for your child to take a music lesson. As your fitness level improves, add 1-minute bursts of jogging to your walks.
8. Walk around medical buildings if you have a long wait for a doctor's appointment. "I always ask the receptionist to give me an idea of how long I have left to wait," Cluff says. "Most are usually very willing to tell you."
9. While your son or daughter plays a soccer game, walk around the field.
10. Turn a trip to a park with your child into a mini-workout for you. Throw a ball back and forth and run for fly balls. 

At Work

11. Walk to work if you can. "I walked to work for months, 1½ miles each way," says Mary Dallman, PhD, professor of physiology at the University of California, San Francisco, and she really saw results.
12. If you dine out on your lunch hour, walk to a restaurant on a route that takes you a little bit out of your way.
13. If you have a meeting in another building, leave 5 or 10 minutes early (or take some time afterward), and do some extra walking.
14. On breaks, spend 5 to 10 minutes climbing stairs.
15. If you're pressed for time and must wait for an elevator, strengthen your core with ab exercises. Stand with your feet parallel and your knees relaxed. Contract the muscles around your belly button. Then elevate your upper torso, and release. Finally, contract your buttocks for a few seconds.
Every year, the typical adult can expect to contract two or three colds, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Skip the annual flu vaccine and you set yourself up for a bout of that as well. , but thers is a lot you can do to cut the risk of being sick !
 Today i'm going to show 5 tips to prevent colds and flu :

 An 2011 study backs this up: Scientists found that people who consumed probiotics via supplements or fermented foods (think yogurt, kefir and kimchi) had 12 percent fewer upper respiratory infections.

Spending the day in a stuffy room with anyone who's under the weather raises your risk of catching a bug. Letting a little fresh air circulate keeps airborne viral particles on the move, making them harder to pick up, says Dr. Phillips.
New research published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition offered evidence of their immune-boosting powers. People who ate a cooked shiitake mushroom daily for a month showed higher numbers of T cells and less inflammation.
Throughout cold season, add this to your nighttime routine: Rinse your nose using a neti pot with boiled (and cooled) salted water, or an over-the-counter nasal irrigator or saline solution. "It will help clear out viral particles you've breathed in during the day before they take root in your system
"Fluids help thin out the mucus that your body makes when you're sick," says Dr. Phillips. "And when that germ-filled mucus is thinner, it's easier to clear out of your system." She suggests downing at least 2 liters of water or other fluids a day.
Is it safe to lose weight during pregnancy , that's a question you heard a lot when we are talking about bodycare or just losing weight , so today , we got you the answer !

  So im going to share with you my experience !
I personally think it's safe , i ate right i walked during pregnancy , as i said i ate healthy as possible and if i wanted abig hamburger i made it myself insted of going out . i didn't gain anything i just lost !

So i say it's safe to lose weight during pregnancy , it's perfect when i started i was 247 and i kept losing weight , after i had her i weighted myself the next month and the surprise is i lost 40 lbs !!
 So that's it , another thing is that doctors also say that it' s safe and you don't to worry as long as you eat healthy food .

Week 1

Fix your form: “With planks, your form either makes or breaks the exercise,” says New York City celebrity trainer David Kirsch. Your body should form a straight line from head to heels. 
Begin by standing: Stand up straight, feet hip-width apart. Now have someone try to gently knock you off balance. Pay attention to the muscles you need to engage to stay centered:“That’s exactly how you should feel when you’re in plank,” says trainer Jonathan Ross, a senior adviser to the American Council on Exercise. 
Perfect your position: Lying on your belly, plant your forearms (or hands, if you prefer) directly under your shoulders. Come onto your toes and squeeze your glutes. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds. 
Start the timer: Hold your plank for 20 to 30 seconds or longer. If you need to rest, loweryour knees to the floor for a few seconds. 

Week 2

Boost endurance: If you feel any shoulder or lower back pain as you start to hold your static plank for longer, or if your butt creeps toward the ceiling, stop and reset. 
Master 30: Hold your plank for half a minute without resting. 
Add 15: Hold your 30-second plank, then rest in a downward dog position for five seconds, suggests Kirsch. Return to plank and hold for another 15 seconds or more. 
Hit the minute mark: Hold a 45-second plank, followed by a Downward Dog and another 15- to 30-second plank. 
Go for 90: Hold your plank for at least one minute. Rest in Downward Dog if you need to, then hold another 30-second plank. 

Week 3

Switch it up: Get the hang of the following variations individually (do each for a minute). Then tack them onto each other, aiming to eventually finish all three back to back. 
Move the center of mass: From a forearm plank, drop your right hip so your right thigh grazes the floor. Return to the starting position and drop your left hip. Repeat. (If you’re on your hands, your thighs may not reach the floor.) 
Test your balance: Extend your right arm straight out in front of you, parallel to the floor,without disturbing your form. Return to center, then extend your left arm. Repeat with your right and left legs. 
Change levels: Start in a plank on your forearms. Press up onto your right hand, then your left, so you come into a high plank. Return to your right forearm, then your left. Repeat the pattern, alternating the starting arm. 
Hi again everybody , as i noticed that a lot of people and a lot of woman want to try yoga fro weight loss , so today we are going to help you reaching your goal !

  What i m going to show you today is a magical product ! Yes and you too will call it magical after using it  !

    the product is called : Yoga burn fouded by certified youga instructor , certefied personal trainer and  female fitness expert 

 You may ask how this programm works or any other questions , so visit the official program site for getting the perfect body : YOGA BURN
Hi everybody today i'm gonna share with you the best weight loss diet i 've tried . 

      It is a foolproof science based diet , designed to melt away several pounds of stubborn body fat  in just 21 days !! 
   The 3 week diet is a revolutionary new diet system that not only guarantees to help you lose weight , it promises  to help you lose more weight faster than enything else you have tried before ! 
   So i' m just sharing with you a great experiences , and i will let you to find more ! 
      Visit the official diet site : the 3 weeks diet 
Everyone want to get fit and everyone and everygirl want to go to the beach  without being afraid of what people will say about her body !!
  So here are some ways to get fit fast ! 

 1. get someone else to get fit with you 

if you have someone to share the pain and the gain with , it will be much easier to reach your goals ! 

 2. create your own bootcamp

You can create your own bootcamp  by doing some cardio and strngth exercises at home or outside .

3. start an exercice regimen and stick to it 

 Start your  exercices by creating your own program  . Practice some wrm-up exercices and cardio.

4. take a walking tour of your city 

Walking is the most easiest way to get fit because you can do it anywehre and whenever you want and all what you need is a couple of shoes .

5. Drink and Drink ..

Hey ! Hold on ! I mean drink a lot of water not beer or alcohol ! Drink a lot of water . Each day your body need approximatly 2 liters of water so don't forget that important thing .

6. Try a track workout 

Running burns more calories than almost any other cardio activity, but it can be boring on a treadmill or along the same old neighborhood route. A great way to keep your running workouts exciting is heading to a nearby track. 

7. Some tips ..

 Drink plenty of water - avoid processed foods -  eat plenty of lean protein - like turkey !

  If you need to lose weight and et the perfect body without doing any exercices and without using any pills so try this !

 the  following program is very awesome and a lot of people have tried it , as i said you don't have to do any exercices so check the program's official page !
                                        best weight loss program
If you are working out many times a week to lose a lot of weight and get fit , you probably need  and want a routine that offers good resultes in a minimum of time . So some scientists , after years of hard working , indicates that the following exercices and moves are all what you need !!


 A research indicates that you can increase your metabolism for 24 hoursa nd more  by adding intervales to your exercice routine 
  For example : if you are doing walk for 30 minutes a day , add  to your routine some jogging for 30 seconds every 5 or 10 minutes


    While your doing some exercices yor heart and muscles needmore calories and more energy day after day  , so there are some strength training moves that you can do to turn your muscles into furnaces :  squat to chair -  reverse lunge  -  standing calf raise and more ...

   PUSH UPS : shoulders , arms 




 CURL : biceps 


The Paleo Solution

The Diet: Paleo Solution proponents believe that our early ancestors' whole-foods diet is healthier than our modern (superprocessed) regimen. That means no chips or cookies or even prepackaged "healthy" foods, like yogurt. Instead you eat three to four meals daily of four to eight ounces of lean protein (chicken, turkey, or seafood), raw or lightly cooked 
vegetables, and healthy fat (oils or nuts). Daily caloric intake hovers around 1,200 to 1,400.

The Raw Food Cleanse

The Diet: The Raw Food Cleanse is a three-, seven-, 14-, or 28-day plan that claims to reset your digestive tract. It's based on the theory that cooking depletes foods of nutrients, so you should eat fruits and vegetables in their raw state. There are recipes for fruit and vegetable juices, soups, and salads. Daily intake is around 1,200 to 1,400 calories, estimates Andrea Giancoli, RD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association.

The 17-Day Diet

The Diet: According to the doctor who created the plan, it takes 17 days for your body to recognize a diet as a habit and slow your metabolism in response. He claims that three 17-day cycles keep your metabolism revved. The first cycle allows about 1,200 daily calories of unlimited lean protein, nonstarchy veggies and, early in the day, two low-sugar fruits. In cycle two you add two healthy carbs and alternate 1,200- and 1,500-calorie days. In the third cycle, fruit's okay anytime, as is one alcoholic drink a day. To maintain, you follow these rules during the week.

The Dukan Diet

The Diet: Pay attention; the Dukan Diet is complicated. There are four phases: (1) two to seven days during which you eat low-fat protein (think chicken, turkey, fish, and tofu), drink water, and take one and a half tablespoons of oat bran a day to keep you regular. (2) Every other day, add low-carb veggies until you reach your goal. (3) Add one piece of low-sugar fruit, two slices of whole-grain bread, and one serving of cheese each day — plus a once-a-week cheat meal. (4) In maintenance, you can eat anything if you follow these rules: three tablespoons of oat bran and 20 minutes of walking each day and one pure-protein day a week.
  Some nights you hit the sheets, and you just know your snooze will be lackluster. Maybe you’re nervous about your exam or interview tomorrow or are still simmering about the unresolved argument you had with your significant other. Or maybe, you stayed up a little too late watching movies.
 But other nights, the reason you’re tossing and turning until 1 a.m. isn’t so clear. You woke up, went to work or school, worked up a sweat in class, came home, and only had one glass of vino. With a few mild differences , it was like any other day. So why the struggle with sleep on this particular night?
  In this post we will help to solve that big issue , so let's go :

1.  skip those dated wites tales

Although it’s not entirely clear where this old wives’ tale originated (or counting sheep, for that matter), Dr. Harris says that liquids of any kind should be avoided once you hit the bed.  “Have a tiny sip of water to get any medication down, but that’s it.”

2. Do your best to get up a decent hour on weekends

While you may look forward to snoozing past noon on the weekends, according to Dr. Harris, it’s also a quick way to disrupt your sleep schedule for the week

3. keep your bed just for sleep !

“Use the bed only for sleep and sex,” says Dr. Harris. “Don’t lay in your bed if you’re not sleeping.

4. Make sure to do some exercices before going bed

5. Put the phone down 

“Most electronics emit blue light, which suppresses melatonin before bedtime, 

 When we are exposed to blue light within one to two hours before bedtime, we suppress melatonin and it becomes more difficult to fall asleep.”