Everyone want to get fit and everyone and everygirl want to go to the beach without being afraid of what people will say about her body !!
So here are some ways to get fit fast !
1. get someone else to get fit with you
if you have someone to share the pain and the gain with , it will be much easier to reach your goals !
2. create your own bootcamp
You can create your own bootcamp by doing some cardio and strngth exercises at home or outside .
3. start an exercice regimen and stick to it
Start your exercices by creating your own program . Practice some wrm-up exercices and cardio.
4. take a walking tour of your city
Walking is the most easiest way to get fit because you can do it anywehre and whenever you want and all what you need is a couple of shoes .
5. Drink and Drink ..
Hey ! Hold on ! I mean drink a lot of water not beer or alcohol ! Drink a lot of water . Each day your body need approximatly 2 liters of water so don't forget that important thing .
6. Try a track workout
Running burns more calories than almost any other cardio activity, but it can be boring on a treadmill or along the same old neighborhood route. A great way to keep your running workouts exciting is heading to a nearby track.
7. Some tips ..
Drink plenty of water - avoid processed foods - eat plenty of lean protein - like turkey !
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